专题一 金融工具确认和计量


  二、常用词汇归纳总结 Glossary
金融工具 financial instruments
权益工具 equity instruments
衍生工具 derivative instruments
远期合同 long-term contracts
期权 options
固定或可确定的 fixed or confirmed
到期日 maturity date
摊余成本 amortized cost
扣除 deduct
本金 principal
采用 apply
累计摊销额 accumulated amortization
实际利率 actual interest
按照实际利率计算 in terms of the actual interest rates
各期利息收入 interest revenue installments
预期存续期间 expected period of existence
尚未到期的 immature
金融资产 financial assets
初始确认 initial recognition
分为四类 could be categorized into 4 groups
公允价值变动 fair value variation, change of fair value
变动 variation,change
持有至到期投资 held-to-maturity investment
应收款项 accounts receivable
可供出售金融资产 financial assets available for sale
交易性金融资产 transactional financial assets
二级市场 secondary market
后续计量 subsequent measurement
金融负债 financial liabilities
持有至到期投资的重分类 Reclassification of held-to-maturity investment
交易费用 trading expense
投资收益 investment income
减值转回 reversed impairment
获利 gain
短期内出售 for sale in the short term
持有意图 holding intention
  The term… refers to…
  …could be categorized into…(过去式)
  The purpose to …is for…
  Except … from…
  表举例说明的过渡词:such as

  The term "financial instruments" refers to the contracts under which the
  financial assets of an enterprise are formed and the financial liability or equity
  instruments of any other entity are formed.
  金融资产应当在初始确认时划分为下列四类:The initial recognition of financial assets could be categorized into 4 groups:
  The financial assets which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which is recorded into the Profit and Loss Account of current period (或:Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss) , including transactional financial assets and the financial assets which are measured at their fair values and of which the variations are recorded into the current P & L;
  2)持有至到期投资;The investments which will be held-to-maturity; (或:held-to-maturity investments)
  3)贷款和应收款项;Loans and the accounts receivables; and
  4)可供出售金融资产。Financial assets available for sale.

  1.划分为交易性金融资产的条件 Conditions to be listed as Transactional Financial Assets
  取得该金融资产的目的,主要是为了近期内出售, 并且该金融资产可以公允价值计量。例如,企业以赚取差价为目的从二级市场购入的股票、债券和基金等。衍生金融工具属于交易性金融资产。
  The purpose to obtain the financial assets is for sale in the short term, and the financial assets could be measured at their fair values. Such as the shares, debentures or funds purchased from the secondary market with the purpose of profit-making. Derivative financial instruments are classified as financial assets.
  2.初始计量 Initial measurement
  应当按照公允价值进行初始计量。The transactional financial assets upon initial measurement should be measured at fair value.
  注意:please note:
  (1)相关交易费用应当直接计入当期损益。Relevant trading fees should be recorded into the current Profit and Loss.
  (2)支付的价款中包含的已宣告但尚未发放现金股利债券利息,应当单独确认为应收项目进行处理。The debenture interests or cash dividends declared but not paid included in the payments for aquisition of financial assets should be recorded into receivable separately.
  会计分录 Journal entry:
  Dr:Transactional financial assets –cost
    Dividend receivable/Interest receivable
    Investment income
    Cr:Cash in bank
  3.后续计量 Subsequent Measurement
  ☆按照公允价值计量进行后续计量,且其变动计入当期损益。The transactional financial assets upon subsequent measurement should be measured at fair value with the variations of which recorded into the current profit and loss. (或:The transactional financial assets should be subsequently measured at fair value, and changes in fair value should be included in profit or loss.)
  Please note: The provision for impairment of transactional financial assets upon subsequent measurement should not be recorded.
  会计分录 Journal entry:
  Dr:Cash in bank
    Cr:Dividend receivable
  Dr:Transactional financial assets-changes in fair value
    Cr:The profits and losses on the changes in fair value
  4.交易性金融资产处置的处理 Disposal of transactional financial assets
  处置该金融资产时,其公允价值与初始入账金额之间的差额应确认为投资收益,同时调整公允价值变动损益。Upon disposal of transactional financial assets, the differences between the fair value and the initial measurement value should be recognized as investment income and the profits and losses on the changes in fair value account should be adjusted into investment income.
  会计分录 Journal entry:
  Dr:Cash in bank
    The profits and losses on the changes in fair value
    Cr:Transactional financial assets–cost
                      -changes in fair value
      Investment income

  考点二:持有至到期投资 The investments which will be held to maturity/ Held-to- maturity investments
  1.划分的条件 Classification requirements
  持有至到期投资,是指到期日固定、回收金额固定或可确定,且企业有明确意图和能力持有至到期的非衍生金融资产。The term "held-to-maturity investment" refers to a non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date of maturity, a fixed or determinable amount of repo price and which the enterprise holds for a definite purpose or the enterprise is capable to hold until its maturity.
  2.持有至到期投资的特征 The characteristic of "held-to-maturity investment"
  (1)到期日固定、回收金额固定或可确定fixed date of maturity, a fixed or determinable amount of repo price
  ‘Fixed date of maturity, a fixed or determinable amount of repo price’ refers to in a relevant contract the amount and date of an investor’s cash flow received or receivable ( such as the debenture interests and the principals)being determined.
  (2)有明确意图持有至到期definite purpose to held to maturity
  “有明确意图持有至到期”是指投资者在取得投资时意图就是明确的,除非遇到一些企业所不能控制、预期不会重复发生且难以合理预计的独立事件,否则将持有至到期。‘Definite purpose/intention to hold to maturity ’refers to the circumstance that the investor definitely intend to hold the investment to maturity unless the nonrecurring and unforeseeable individual event occurred.
  (3)“有能力持有至到期”是指企业有足够的财务资源,并不受外部因素影响将投资持有至到期“Being capable to held-to-maturity” refers to the business has sufficient financial resources and could held the investment to maturity without being effected by any external factors.
  注意:please note:
  企业不能将下列非衍生金融资产划分为持有至到期投资:The company could not record following non-derivative financial assets into held-to-maturity investment:
  (1)在初始确认时即被指定为以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的非衍生金融资产;Non-derivative financial assets initially measured at their fair values and of which the variations are recorded into the current P & L;
  (2)在初始确认时被指定为可供出售的非衍生金融资产;Non-derivative financial assets initially recorded into the financial assets available for sale;
  (3)符合贷款和应收款项定义的非衍生金融资产。Non-derivative financial assets conform to the definitions of loans and account receivables.
  3.初始计量Initial measurement
  持有至到期投资初始计量时,应当按照公允价值和相关交易费用之和作为初始确认金额。The held-to-maturity investment should be initially measured at the total amount of fair value and relevant trading fees.
  注意:please note:
  Relevant trading fees should be initially capitalized.
  The interests due but not yet paid included in the payment for the acquisition of financial assets should be seperately recorded into interest receivable account.
  会计分录 Journal entry:
  Dr:Held-to-maturity investment —Cost (including relavent trading fees)
    Cr:Cash in bank
      Held-to-maturity investment —Interest adjustment
  会计分录 Journal entry:
  Dr:Interest receivable
    Held-to-maturity investment —Interest adjustment
    Cr:Investment income
  4.后续计量 Subsequent measurement
  The subsequent measurement of held-to-maturity investment should be carried at amortized cost.
  5.减值及减值转回的计量 The measurement of impairment and reversed impairment
  持有至到期投资后续计量,其发生减值时,应当在将该金融资产的账面价值与预计未来现金流量现值之间差额,确认为减值损失,计入当期损益。While recognizing the impairment of held-to-maturity investment upon subsequent measurement,the decline in value between the carrying amount and the present value of expected future cash flow should be recognized as the impairment loss in the current P & L.
  After the recognition of impairment loss, if the fair value recovers, the previously recognized impairment losses should be reversed into the current P&L. However, the reversed carrying value should not exceed the amortized cost of the financial assets assumed never recognized provision for impairment on the reverse date.
  6.持有至到期投资转换 The reclassification of the held-to-maturity investment
  If the intention or capability of holding investment to maturity changes, then the investment will be inappropriate to be accounted as held-to-maturity investment, but should be reclassified to financial assets available for sale and subsequently measured at fair value.At the date of reclassification, the difference between the carrying value and the fair value should be recorded into shareholder’s equity, and will be transferred to current P&L if the impairment recognizes or financial asset derecognizes.
  会计分录 Journal entry:
  Dr:Financial assets available for sale—Cost
    Cr:Held-to-maturity investment —Cost
      Capital surplus(reserve)-other capital surplus(reserve)
  Dr:Cash in bank
    Cr:Financial assets available for sale
      Investment income
  Dr:Capital surplus(reserve)-other capital surplus(reserve)
    Cr:Investment income
  【例题1·计算题】2008年1月1日,甲公司从活跃市场购买于当日发行的一项乙公司债券,年限5年,划分为持有至到期投资,债券的面值1 100万元,公允价值为961万元(含交易费用为10万元),次年1月5日按票面利率3%支付利息。该债券在第五年兑付本金及最后一期利息。合同约定债券发行方乙公司在遇到特定情况下可以将债券赎回,且不需要为赎回支付额外款项。甲公司在购买时预计发行方不会提前赎回。假定2010年1月1日甲公司预计本金的50%将于2010年12月31日赎回,共计550万元。乙公司2010年12月31日实际赎回550万元的本金。[(P/A,5%,5)=4.3295,(P/F,5%,5)=0.7835;(P/A,7%,5)=4.1002,(P/F,7%,5)=0.7130]
  现值 1004.7235 ,961, 919.61
  利率 5% , r , 7%
  (1)The given information indicated:
  11,000,000 × 3%×(P/A,r,5)+ 11,000,000 ×(P/F,r,5)= 9,610,000
  When r=5%,
  Then: 330,000×4.3295+11,000,000×0.783 = 10,047,235>9,610,000
  When r=7%,
  330,000 × 4.1002 + 11,000,000 × 0.7130 = 9,196,100< 9,610,000
  So, the Present Value10,047,235, 9,610,000, 9,196,100
  The interest rate 5% , r , 7%
  (10,047,235-9,610,000)/(10,047,235 - 9,196,100) =(5%-r)/(5%-7%)
  The result will be r ≈ 6%
  借:持有至到期投资——利息调整  28.52
  贷:投资收益           28.52
  (2)Amortized amount of final interest adjustment in 2008
  = 9,610,000×6% - 11,000,000×3% = 246,600 Yuan
  Amortized amount of final interest adjustment in 2009
  =(9,610,000 + 246,600)× 6%-11,000,000 × 3% = 261,400 Yuan
  Actual amortized cost at the beginning of 2010
  = 9,610,000 + 246,600 + 261,400 = 10,118,000 Yuan
  At Jan 1st 2010, it was expected the 50% of repayment would be made at Dec 31st 2010.
  Then the re-confirmed amortized cost
  = (330,000+5,500,000)/(1+6%)+ 165,000/(1+6%)2 +(165,000+5,500,000)/(1+6%)3 = 1 0,403,200 Yuan
  The amortized cost to be increased at the beginning of 2010 = 10,403,200 - 10,118,000 = 285,200 Yuan
  Dr:Hold-to-maturity investment---Interest Adjustment 285,200
    Cr:Investment income      285,200
  借:应收利息          33
    持有至到期投资——利息调整 29.42
    贷:投资收益         62.42
  借:银行存款          550
    贷:持有至到期投资——成本  550
  (3)At the end of 2010, the interest receivable=11,000,000×3%=330,000 Yuan
  Actual interest income = 10,403,200 × 6% = 624,200 Yuan
  The interest to be adjusted =624,200-330,000=294,200 Yuan
  Dr:Interest receivable                  330,000
    Hold-to-maturity investment --- interest adjustment  294,200
    Cr:Investment income                   624,200
  Dr:Cash in bank                      5,500,000
    Cr:Hold-to-maturity investment ---Initial Payment    5,500,000

  考点三:可供出售金融资产 Financial Assets available for sale
  1.划分的条件 Qualifications to be listed as ‘ Financial Assets available for sale’
  对于公允价值能够可靠计量的金融资产,企业可以将其直接指定为可供出售金融资产。For financial assets of which the fair value could be reliably measured, they could be directly treated as ‘Financial Assets available for sale’.
  It could be recorded into‘Financial Assets available for sale’ if the financial assets are not categorized into the first 3 groups.Compared with the transactional financial assets, the intention of holding the ‘Financial Assets available for sale’ is not clear, such as the stocks or debentures with quoted prices in the active market.
  2.初始计量 Initial Measurement
  可供出售金融资产,应当按公允价值计量:The financial assets available for sale should be measured in terms of fair value.
  Relevant trading fees should be capitalized as financial assets available for sale in initial recognition.
  (2)企业取得金融资产所支付的价款中包含的已宣告但尚未发放的债券利息或现金股利,应当单独确认为应收项目进行处理。The debenture interests or cash dividends declared but not paid included in the payments for acquisition of financial assets should be recorded into receivable separately.
  会计分录 Journal entry:
  Dr:Financial assets available for sale—Cost
                     —Interest adjustment
    Cr:Cash in bank
  3.后续计量 Subsequent Measurement
  Except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains or losses of monetary financial assets, the changes in fair value of the financial assets available for sale should be directly recorded into the shareholder’s equity (capital reserve) and transferred to the current year P & L when the financial assets derecognize.
  会计分录 Journal entry:
  Dr:Interest receivable
    Cr:Investment income
      Financial assets available for sale—Interest adjustment
  Dr:Cash in bank
    Cr:Interest receivable
  Dr:Capital surplus(reserve)-other capital surplus(reserve)
    Cr:Financial assets available for sale-changes in fair value
  4.可供出售金融资产减值损失的计量 The measurement of impairment loss of financial assets available for sale
  When provision for impairment of financial assets available for sale are recognized, the accumulated loss (please note: including the accumulated profit resulting from the increase of fair value) resulting from the decrease of fair value which was directly recorded into the account of the shareholder’s equity (capital reserve) should be transferred into the current year P & L (impairment loss of assets).
  5.可供出售金融资产减值损失的转回 The reverse of the impairment loss of financial assets available for sale
  For debt instrument available for sale of which the impairment loss has been recognized, the recognized impairment loss should be reversed into current year’s P & L, when the fair value increase and the change of fair value is objectively related to the event incurred after the initial recognition of impairment loss.
  (2)可供出售权益工具投资发生的减值损失,在该权益工具价值回升时,应通过权益转回,不得通过损益转回。While the fair value of equity instrument is being increased, the impairment loss recognized associated with such equity instrument should be reversed into the account of shareholder’s equity other than P & L.
  (1)甲公司20×9年1月1日将持有乙公司股票重分类并进行追溯调整的会计处理不正确。The accounting treatment is incorrect.(0.5 mark)
  As per accounting standards,the business shall not reclassify financial assets which being initially recognized as transactional financial assets to any other type of financial assets.(1 mark)
  更正会计分录:Revised entries
  借:盈余公积            36.2
    利润分配——未分配利润     325.8
    贷:资本公积——其他资本公积    362
  Dr:Surplus reserve 362,000
    Allocation(Distribution)of profits-undistributed profits 3,258,000
    Cr:Capital surplus(reserve)-other capital surplus(reserve) 3,620,000 (2 marks)
  借:交易性金融资产      3000
    贷:可供出售金融资产      3000
  Dr:Financial assets held for trading    30,000,000
    Cr:Financial assets available for sale   30,000,000 (1 mark)
  借:公允价值变动损益       150
    贷:资本公积——其他资本公积   150
  Dr:Profit or loss caused by changes in fair value 1,500,000
    Cr:Capital surplus(reserve)-other capital surplus(reserve) 1,500,000 (1 mark)
  (2)甲公司20×9年1月1日起变更投资性房地产的后续计量模式并进行追溯调整的会计处理不正确。The accounting treatment is incorrect.(0.5 mark)
  As per accounting standards,the measurement of investment property can’t be changed from fair value model to cost model.(1 mark)
  Revised entries:
  借:盈余公积             120
    利润分配——未分配利润       1080
    贷:投资性房地产——公允价值变动   1200
  Dr:Allocation(Distribution) of profits-undistributed profits   10,800,000
    Surplus reserve                         1,200,000
    Cr:Investment property-changes in fair value            12,000,000(1.5mark)
  借:投资性房地产累计折旧      680
    贷:利润分配——未分配利润     612
      盈余公积            68
  Dr:Accumulated depreciation for investment real estates                6,800,000
    Cr:Allocation(Distribution)of profits –undistributed profits            6,120,000
      Surplus reserve                                   680,000 (1 mark)
  借:公允价值变动损益          800
    投资性房地产累计折旧         340
    贷:投资性房地产——公允价值变动  800
            ——其他业务成本   340
  Dr:Profit or Loss caused by changes in fair value
    Accumulated depreciation for investment real estates
    Cr:Investment property-changes in fair value
                - Other business cost (1.5 mark)
  (3)甲公司20×9年12月31日将剩余的丙公司债券重分类为可供出售金融资产的会计处理正确。The accounting treatment is correct.(0.5 mark)
  As per accounting standards,where the business sells part of the financial assets classified as held-to-maturity and when the amount of sale is greater than the original amount of the investment,the remaining part should be reclassified as financial assets available for sale.(1.5 mark)
  借:可供出售金融资产——成本     1750
            ——公允价值变动 100
    贷:持有至到期投资          1750
      资本公积——其他资本公积     100
  Revised entries:
  Dr:Financial assets available for sale—Cost    17,500,000
                      —Changes in fair value 1,000,000
    Cr:Held-to-maturity investments                 17,500,000
      Capital surplus(reserve)-other capital surplus(reserve) 1,000,000 (2 mark)